Two busy years... I got married, we moved, had a baby - in the meantime two-year old toddler... I'm changing jobs...
I can't help but see the way my life has changed. I have no idea which movies are now on but I know that Peppa Pig is on Netflix... I sometimes read books on topics other than parenting... I buy mostly cooking books and children books... We go out with friends with kids, especially those with kids who can play with our kid. We plan the day around afternoon naps... I am working less in the office and more at home... I try to speak correctly and with no accent as my toddler is ruthlessly repeating every word I say the wrong way. I've had sleepless nights, happy tears, moments of guilt, pride... f*ck it moments...
And then at one point life started going back to normal. I can have a shower and comb my hair every day again... It's getting possible to carve out time for what I like doing... I enjoy talking to people about topics other than babies...
And I'll try to be more often around. Hi, I'm back :)