09 May 2009

my next choice

Spent some time today watching TED talks trying to choose a new one to translate. I wanted it to be really inspiring. Otherwise, the way I know myself, I believe I would quickly get bored.

And I made my choice - this talk from Benjamin Zander. I find Ben Zander a very interesting person. He is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic and is often cited in business readings as a role model for leader and teacher.

Well, I have to find a proper translation for "one-buttock" and "two-buttock playing" when it comes to that... And if you are willing to help with suggestions, please do :)


Elena said...

ОООООооооооо, това беше прекрасно! Благодаря, че сподели...имам предложение, за полу-дупе и цяло дупе хахахаха

Iva said...

хахаха... ще го запомня :))) после да не се учудиш, ако го видиш написано така ;)