26 August 2016

Present for a friend

I love wrapping presents. In the past I was even thinking of opening a shop for packaging presents. But somehow I was not thrilled of the prospect of turning this into my profession. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing anything too fancy or complicated. But somehow this is my zen moment - focusing on the process and thinking of nothing else :) It is a bit like with baking. I almost feel embarrassed to say I like baking - and by that I mean really just normal everyday baking, and not the fancy sugar-paste cakes you see everywhere on social media.
And lately I like experimenting with washi tape. It is simple, fast and I can do it even with Daniel. He loved helping me wrapping the present for his father's birthday.
And this one is for a dear friend who is leaving her job. It is a book that was recommended by someone (don't even remember by whom). But should obviously be a read to remember. David Whyte's Crossing the Unknown Sea.